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To John, Who Will Never Read This

October 7, 2019

Hello… John?

It seems likely that someone named John will never read this post.

Honestly, I’m not quite sure why I’m greeting you when there’s no chance for a reply. I guess it seemed polite.

At the same time, without you I wouldn’t have meaning behind this post… there’d be no point in writing anything at all. Or would there?


Actually, I take that back. You see John, even if you read this post, what I believe in doesn’t change. My desire to create and make an impact exists. Period.

Now while I’m writing this with the expectation that you may one day read what I have to say, the reality is that a majority are just like you, John. There’s a Larry, Jonny, Daniel, Bob, Jeffrey, Kowagula, Donatello, and Kaleugra that will never read this post either. I could write brown hippos enjoy slinky monkey noodles like a sixth grader trying to test whether or not his English teacher is actually reading his book report and you will never know (gotta up that word count).

A means-to-an-end perspective is toxic because in the end it doesn’t even matter. I think Linkin Park said that, or something? Anyway. There is only the means, which is to create. To express what one believes. To channel the inner-self and spew good into this world. Seems kinda gross, saying it that way. Oh, well.

Honestly, I’m starting to get to the point where I want to say that I love you John, and that I hope this post never comes across your path. That I never have to worry about feeling fulfilled that you, John, had something to say about what I’m creating. Seems pretty stupid and selfish, but hey it’s reality. Like I said earlier, the majority are just like you.

Until next time John, I hope you do come across another post and it does bring you joy. That you go about your life like me and everyone else. Go spew good into this world! Man, I really need to come up with a better way to say that…

Regardless, I’m going to continue to explore and develop my craft in order to shine a brighter light on how we perceive our everyday life. There… much less nauseating.

Kind Regards,
